Saturday 10 March 2012

You are not Barcelona.

A History of Architecture class in school got me reasoning, who built all these things that still are, or have been destroyed? -Humans. Yes. What are humans then? -A species. Ok. Humans have been building and destroying, decade after decade. Humans have died and other humans have been born, but can you see the constant? Something that has always been there, in the chain of one human dying and another one being born, what is it? (Hint: it’s not the earth. ;-))

Existence, life? What is so special about that you may ask? It is something that just is, you didn’t ask for it, you’re alive, until you die, so what. Where’s that magic in that?

The magic is that existence is empty, no matter if the house is built or destroyed, it doesn’t touch your existence. You may care about the house or you may not, it does not touch your existence. It’s freedom. Once you know that everything that happens is without meaning, you can act if it makes you feel good, and choose to turn the other way if it doesn't.

Side note; -No obligations. Be careful, some people will try to pull you down. I promise. They’re jealous and want to take you down to their state of feeling. Just remember, you have no obligations in this world. Responsibility for yourself yes, but no obligations. As an example, if someone is talking about something that you don’t feel good about, you can just turn your head in the middle of their sentence and walk away. You do not have to explain yourself to anyone. Almost like a child. You have only yourself to answer to and you have no idea how good it will feel. Freedom. This applies to ANY person in your life. ANY.
Soon this “crazy” behavior will change your life in the most unexpected way. The people will change. Try, for about 3 months, and you will see for yourself. AHA! A technique, for all you technique junkies out there. But no. It’s just about growing up. Growing up more than all the grown-ups out there. (I’m not talking about avoiding conflict with a close one, meet the conflict, with your truth, your close one deserves it.)

In here you’re empty. Vast emptiness. That you can choose to fill with whatever you like, songs, dancing, taking a swim alone in the summer night. The things that are beautiful to do while you’re here on earth.

But keep all your thoughts. They do not keep you from entering this state of mind. Thoughts are your friends, they are coming from you, it’s ok. Who is thinking?

Your friend is Barcelona, you know this city, you know what special features/moods make this city Barcelona, you know what makes your friend who she is, you know her. You, are not Barcelona. You are another city. What is it? And what makes your city distinct? Not the differences between you and Barcelona. But the difference between you and every other city on earth. The you, that would be even if there wouldn’t be any cities to compare to. What makes you, you? If you don’t know, then it’s time to forget about everyone else you know, friends, family, romance… FORGET about EVERYTHING, FORGET EVEN ABOUT YOURSELF. 

Forget about what others know or what you know. It’s not true, nothing is, have never been and will never be. There is nothing carved in stone about anything. If you have a disease, WHATEVER it is, this does not touch your existence. Until you die you exist. And maybe even after that but why the * care about that right now? Care about this life. You. Here. No coming, no going. No out or into yourself, no past no future… come-on, how can you not see this? You. There can be walking, but you, is always here. There can be sleeping, but you, is always here. The free you is always here. The electric peace. Can you sense it. You.

After you get it, you can cultivate it, and this will be the start of your life.

One very simple question; –what is your body keeping alive? Is there more to you than you currently know?

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